Common Factors Between the Posts
Of the two posts there is considerable overlap between them. Add to this that they both appeared at around the same time a couple of hours after a threatening phonecall with Ma Janatamananda and it is not difficult to see that these posts were contrived.
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Ma Nithya Hridayastha Ananda Lies and typical of cult mentality, Calls for Sangha to Unfriend |
- He was a Yogitva Participant
- He was enthusiastic/grateful/enjoying program
- He posted positive things about the program
- After leaving the program he was funded a large sum of money by Anti Hindu forces to abuse Sri Nithyananda Swami
- He started abusing the Sangha members after he left the program
- Shunning/Excommunication: The direction to unfriend and remove Jesse from your friends list
Ma Nithyayogananda Swami Facebook also added:
- Without any solid foundation or any expertise in the topic he posted several abusive comments in different platforms
Basically it is obvious that there was conspiration between the posts. And due to the timing of them being so close to the phone conversation with the organisational head of the Ashram Ma Jnatamananda, quite apparent direction from her.
Thus in this page I will deal with the common claims and features one by one.
Yogitva Participant + Enthusiastic/Grateful/Enjoying + Positive Posting
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Ma Nithyayogananda Swami Makes Misleading Statements To Lead Reader to Incorrect Assumptions |
As I have detailed in the chronology, I was in complete integrity with the program so that I could get the most from it and evaluate it to the fullest extent.
This entailed following directives such as very strong encouragement to post positive things about the program each day.
Highly Restricted in What We Are Allowed to Post
Additionally we were highly restricted in what we could post. In fact there was one occasion when I thought I was posting a positive post about participants pulling together. It was on this day that several areas of the Ashram were flooded.One of these was the mens Shiva Stumha or Mallakamba tent. There was in that mattresses that were already starting to come under water from the flooding. It was becoming like a swimming pool. The guys, including myself, pulled together and moved the mats to safety thus saving potentially expensive equipment.
You would think that's a good thing to post about right?
Well you would be wrong apparently. The next morning I was pulled off the bus by the Shiva Stumbha trainer Dridhananda to be chastised for posting it and that it had already attracted a comment of a Nithyananda follower recommending not to hold such programs in the wet season.
I was ordered to take it down immediately. Dridhananda was obviously very angry that I had made such a post.
Postive Posts in such a Controlled Environment become Meaningless
Thus the fact that someone is posting positive things while on the program does not mean they are completely happy. Should someone desire to post anything that could even slightly be construed as negative they are going to get action taken against them, and quickly.I Could have Easily Been Posting other Serious Concerns I had
Actually, that same day of the flooding was the day I evidenced the serious safety issues of Yogitva participants being forced to walk through a flooded room for over an hour while live power cables were still draped over the floor and under water and powerboards were sitting on small benches such that anyone could easily have caught a cable walking in the water and pulled the powerboard into the water. Days before there was an electrical fire in that room and I had advised them to immediately obtain RCD's to protect from such instances in future. The RCD's were ignored and not in place during the flood. Yet I did not post about these events until weeks later, after I had exhausted all other avenues to have the ashram address the safety issues.I had raised the safety concerns with acharya for Yogitva and also the Nithyananda University Manager who seemed to be taking some lead in the cleanup after the electrical fire.
So really having positive comments posted by anyone at the ashram really means nothing.
Living in Faith and Hope
Further to that I was acting very much in faith. At that time I was sick with some protracted cold or flu, certainly not helped by the sleep deprivation of 2-4 hours sleep per night. In fact I was still sick when I left the ashram and it has taken a long time to recover from subjecting my body to such cruel and unusual punishment.I had also experienced a knee injury which in hindsight I am sure the fatigue and weariness played no small part. The injury was sufficient to prevent me from doing work on the poles which was the part I really desired to do.
We were told not even to take a sick day staying at the accommodation on any day lest we be out of integrity with the program and swamiji.
I wanted to get well and was trying to remain in such integrity as much as possible. That mean just believing that you are "in the energy space of the Avatar" and "Swamiji will make you well", just "keep him in your third eye".
Positive Posting based on Others Comments and not Personal Experience
Furthermore you will see that the bulk of my comments relates to things that I actually could not have any idea of experience. But that were things others were excited about. One in particular is the "Darshans" by Nithyananda. This is where he will allegedly provide some form of energy to you either through air or by touching your head or forehead or body etc.
If Nithyananda were truly the Avatar or at least an enlightened being, then of course this is something to greatly look forward to. And all of the people there are under either the belief or at least the hope and expectation that he is such. Most darshans give the participant of asking Nithyananda for something and he invariably says "blessings" or "it will be / tatarstal". Again if he has the power to really make things happen that is awesome and something to excitedly post about.
Hence when one in that delusion, receives a notification that the group is to receive an energy darshan from "Swamiji" that was, as far as participants were aware, completely unplanned, then it should be an exciting opportunity.
Darshan Smarshan
I was in full integrity to these experiences, but throughout I did not receive the energy or impact or answers to my numerous requests through darshans that I made, despite receiving "blessings" or "tatarstal" and even hugs from Nithyananda. Now I cringe at the thought of those hugs from someone who may well be a manipulative rapist as I dig further into the actual evidence.
I do thing darshans can work. But it is I believe simply based on the persons belief systems. Just like prayer works for a Christian and a Muslim, and a Hindu. It certainly has nothing to do with "having Swamiji in ones third eye" or any energy imparted from him.
Actually while at the ashram, there was only one place where I truly felt energy and that was at the Banyan Tree. I felt a strong connection, as I do with other trees, and a strong energy, as many others experience. Far far stronger than anything I received from these 'darshans' now being held as socalled evidence that I was completely happy with the program.
Positive Posts reduced over Time
Actually in point of fact, if one analysed my posts, they would see that as the 3 and a bit week program went on, I posted less and less positive comments. Partly this was due to the increasing fatigue and illness, but also it was due to increasing concerns that, although I was voicing the major ones, were never allayed.
Thus of course, most of the post pictures that the lying Sangha members posted were earlier in the program.
Enthusiastic/Grateful/Enjoying + Positive Posting = Cult-like Control
It is amazing that, although being in such an information and propagandising controlled cult-like environment whereby the leaders know one cannot post negative comments while being involved in the program, and that the participants are strongly and regularly encouraged to make propagandising posts for the ashram, that these liars are then going to use those "positive posts" as their evidence that one must have been completely happy. But I guess why should anyone expect anything less of someone who is going to make up a blatant lie that I have been paid a large sum of money by Anti-Hindu forces in India.Funded a large sum of money by Anti Hindu forces to abuse Sri Nithyananda Swami
Wow. Wouldnt that be nice! Hey actually if any Anti Hindu forces want to pay me for telling the truth, I'm more than happy to.But seriously, ultimately what these indoctrinated, irrational, emotional and quite stupid people are thinking is "abuse" is simply stating facts.
If God, which they firmly believe their Sri Nithyananda Swami to be, is so easily abused by someone saying what is true, it should absolutely cause them to question his validity as 'God' or Shiva.
The Nithyananda LIARS are actually Stupid
And I do call them stupid, because if they had not made such accusations, as "I was paid off by anti hindu forces", when of course I am in the best position to know that this is not true, it has caused me to stop and think:- They said that those accusing Nithyananda of heinous crimes were paid off by anti-Hindu forces
- I accepted that (naively)
- If they are going to make such lies about me, why would they not have made such lies about them.
- Maybe all those criminal charges against Nithyananda including rape have merit.
- I had better check deeper
So that is my next step. To check deeper now into those allegations. I know now that the Sangha is full of liars, especially in the most authoritative positions. I also know that they cannot have an evidence based discussion to save their lives without getting emotional, deflecting, crying and then lying.
Thus the way they have approached this is very very stupid. But for my part I am somewhat grateful as I have now been able to see the lies and break free of the maya and delusion associated with the Nithyananda Sangha. Thankyou!
No I was NOT paid off by any anti-Hindu forces
As far as being paid off by anti-Hindu forces I categorically state that I have receive nothing from such a group.Actually I think that the very concept they have of anti-Hindu forces, especially the "Christians", Nithyananda and his devotees are so often speaking against, is based solely in some sort of paranoia. Throughout my roughly 2 months in India, I did not see a single sign of such an anti-Hindu force. In fact 80% of India is Hindu, of the religious rest, most are Muslim.
It is nonsensical that such a Christian anti-Hindu force exists with the level of power they seem to delusionally think it does.
Dangers from Nithyananda's henchmen
I must admit, when I first heard this accusation, I was concerned. I actually suspected it possible that the Nithyananda Organisation could have put money into my account (as I had given them my account details for their failed four times manifestation).As such I did check my accounts for the next few days to see if they had put anything in there.
If they were actually smart enough, they would have done so to try to publicly frame me with some sort of "evidence".
Fortunately, they are not so smart and thus there were no irregular payments into my accounts they could use.
Then while in Tiruvannamili, I had spoken to a number of locals about what was going on. Invariably every one of them warned me not to post any more while in India. I was shocked at this and also somewhat in disbelief as from personal experience I know Nithyananda does not have any real power.
So what was their concern? According to these locals, it is common knowledge amongst many in the community there that Nithyananda employs black magic practising priests that perform various black puju including some black forms of Kali puja to cause people to experience illness or even accidents and death. Every local that I had spoken to were concerned for my wellbeing.
Ok so I have protection from more powerful sources now so I am not concerned. But I did comply with their requests and kept a very low profile for the rest of my trip in India.
If you are a devotee that has reached this far, I commend your efforts to impartial investigation. No doubt you would be thinking "Swamiji would never do anything like that".
I was surprised too, however, the more I research and the more I see how deep the lies go, the more I believe such things are entirely possible.
Why is Nithyananda so Unpopular in his Home Town?
Furthermore, Nithyananda grew up in Tiruvannamali. He was training to be a priest at Ramanasaram. The locals there knew him as an aspiring young boy that had developed siddhis.But today I did not find one local that liked him, in fact their disgust of him was very evident. Throughout the town there are so many pictures of Sri Ramana Maharishi that I could not count them. There are pictures of many other gurus, even Sai Baba for whom there is some contention. But the only picture I ever saw of Nithyananda was at his ashram as I walked past it.
Apparently Nithyananda is not even allowed into Ramanasaram any more. Yet Nithyananda used to be a follower. You have to be pretty bad to be prevented entry to Ramanasaram.
He started abusing the Sangha members after he left the program
Again we have that word "abuse" used and again it means "told the truth and asked questions".
You see just like any cult, its enemies are truth, reasoning and questions.
The "major abuse" I committed was posting the facebook post I have shared in this blog.
As the reader can see it is simply sharing concerns of safety and as I shared in this blog in the chronology blog, it was only after trying every other avenue to prompt those at the ashram to consider safety of participants and ashramites over propaganda promotion and "causing" (a word they use for co-ordinated harassing and manipulation of people to buy courses) people to pay for courses.
The other "abuse" is daring to speak with Maha Yoga in the Yogitva chat and trying to obtain some answers to concerns. Concerns that I was not the only one in the group having, but was mostly the only one prepared to speak up.
The very fact that they consider questions orientated toward the safety of participants as "abuse" speaks volumes in terms of this being a cult that is afraid of questions and where people simply follow what their leaders tell them to do.
Shunning/Excommunication: The direction to unfriend and remove Jesse from your friends list
Can you get any more cult like than this?
"Please anyone from the Sangha unfriend him...."
"Pls delete him from your friends list immediately"
It is well established that this is one of the primary indicators of a cult. That any questioning or dissension is dealt with by cutting off the potential of those questions contaminating others in the cult. The best way to do this is to cause people to be afraid of those that might ask questions. That's where the "abuse" foundation comes in for them. It is assisted within the Nithyananda Cult by the constant belief that you have to keep out any negative thinking. They then associate questioning with negative thinking.
This is quite paradoxical when one hears talks from Nithyananda that one should question, yet it is by far not the only hypocritical paradox we see at the ashram.
Such paradoxes also made it more difficult for me to cut completely from Nithyananda as it was apparent his followers were going against his teachings. From my attempts to reach him with the concerns and subsequent research however, I see him as just as much a hypocrite.
What such a direction does is also show just how indoctrinated certain people are. I was even unfollowed and unfriended and blocked by some of my fellow participants in Yogitva, that I had previously referred to as my "Yogitva Family" in the facebook posts that my libellous sanyasis accusers attached.
For those that took such action it really shows that they are so controlled that there is probably no hope they will ever be able to recognise truth. They deliberately put themselves into a bubble of controlled information so that they can never escape the may they incorrectly believe is truth.
If one believes they have truth, then there is no need to look is there? Sadly that is where most people in every religion on the planet are today.
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Those helping devotees become free of Nithyananda really need support however you can provide it. Your experiences, your sharing of reports and stories of others, financial support, or even just helping behind the scenes in administration. Also ex devotees need your support.
So if you can be part of a support base for them, we welcome hearing from you.