Propaganda Spin - From both Nithyananda Camp and the Anti Nithyananda Camp - How is anyone to get to the truth?

Propaganda Spin - Both are Guilty
Nithyananda Camp
Anti Nithyananda Camp
How is anyone to get to the truth?

I am putting this page on hold and replacing its content so as to invite open and objective discussion so that perhaps the facts of the Nithyananda criminal cases can be understood impartially.

It is evident that one cannot trust the information put out by either party as each have such a strong and emotive bias. However, truth is important. So how do we work out what the truth of the matters is?

Do we just average the two positions and take a middle ground?
Do we pick a side and follow their propaganda?

Of course both of these are illogical approaches. The evidence needs to be examined and there is now well over a decade of history to what has transpired.

I invite you to come to this facebook group to discuss it:
